Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Blogging 2015: 531 down, 1484 to go

It's good to be home, even if it means doing laundry. I didn't do laundry before we left, because I am a sloth. Post Ragnar laundry needs to be done right away or it renders your dufflebag useless. I seal up my dirty clothes in plastic bags so they don't gas the other passengers on airplanes, but when you open them up at home? That shit is ripe.

By some miracle the spawn slept until almost 8am. That is unheard of in this house. We are cursed with early morning children. I say cursed because I can guarandamntee you that when they hit middle school they'll be the type to lay in bed and moan about getting up for school. Why can't little kids sleep late and older kids rise early? Split the difference between 5am and 8am. 

Fantastic husband made pancakes for the smalls and I made my usual breakfast of egg, spinach, and mushroom.  

I love mushrooms.

The kids went to daycare for a half day so that we could get out for a round of golf. Before we left I harvested the leaf lettuce from our square foot garden. This grew so fast! This is what a 1 foot square produces in about 4 weeks time!
I'm a homesteader, bitches.

We decided to walk 9 so we went to Shorewood on the UWGB campus. It's a nice, inexpensive course with lots of available shade and plenty of hills. Neither one of us has a cart, so we carry our clubs backpack-style. This is the first time I've swung a club in over a year and I didn't do too badly, considering. Short game needs work, though. I also had two shots that took improbable bounces off trees. Fortunately, we weren't keeping score today so it didn't really matter.

After 90ish minutes of golf we had lunch and hit Costco. I had a bison burger (minus the bun) and a few sweet potato fries. No picture. You'll live. I made myself stop at half the fries. I was somewhat off the wagon this past weekend and I really don't want to undo 6 weeks of sacrifice in 5 days of overindulgence.

Seriously, why the bloody fuck does it take 6 full weeks of eating 100% perfectly all the time and beating the shit out of myself in the gym to drop 13 pounds, but I can put 5-8 back on in a weekend? I refuse to weigh myself until my digestion returns to normal, but this happens to me all the time. I do absofuckinglutely everything exactly fucking right and I have marginal success, then allow myself one night of partial indulgence and it's like all my good work is completely erased. Is this what pushing 40 does? Because it's bullshit. BULLSHIT. /rant

The Costco run was for produce and a couple of odds and ends. They had Rainier cherries! I love Rainier cherries. The are nature's candy. So I had 5 or 20.  How can you resist? They are so pretty. 

Fill me with your sweet, sweet flesh.

After unloading and playing a little fetch with the dog, we walked over to daycare to retrieve the spawn. C is still babying his leg, but he is getting less timid with it. I'll probably get him a session or two of PT to make sure he's back on track.

Dinner tonight was BLTs with L fresh from the garden. Bread is useless on a BLT if you ask me. Plus I don't like sandwiches on toast. The toast scrapes the shit out of the roof of my mouth and I'm left with pain and altered taste when I just want to be enjoying tasty tasty bacon. So I had two BLTs sans toast. Perfect.

Tastes like summer.

We put in a garden for a couple of reasons. First, to have fresh veggies on the cheap. Second, to encourage the kids to eat more vegetables (and more types). We figured they'd be more likely to eat things they helped plant and grow.

P&L liked the lettuce. They had extra sandwiches and extra veg.

You don't see a smiling picture of C with lettuce because the little turd had to be bullied into finishing his sandwich. 

The peas are blossoming and there are pods on all the plants. The pumpkins are blooming and the vines are enormous. Soon we'll have cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, corn, beans, and onions. I cut some cilantro today and the basil plant has finally sprouted. I'm hoping for a productive summer from our little patch of dirt.

After supper we went out for a walk with the kids and the dog. It was a very pleasant evening and we covered 2+ miles bringing the day's total to 8. Now I have to review a presentation I'm supposed to give tomorrow. It's back to the salt mine tomorrow night as I traded this Wednesday for last. That means 8 in a row this time around, but it's cool. 

Bedtime snack.

Hopefully I can make it to the box for a WOD tomorrow. The bad thing about going out of town is missing the gym. 20 years ago me would never have made that statement. 20 years ago me drank 6-12 cans of Mountain Dew and smoked 6-10 cigarettes a day.

I guess that's progress.

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