Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Hips and Ankles Hate Me

So, second week of CrossFit down.  Know what I learned this week?  My hips and ankles are dirty whores.  I am still struggling with squats.  When I get low enough, my foot position isn't right (yeah, I know I'm pigeon toed), and when my foot position is right I can't get low enough without screaming pain in my ankle.  Like I think it might break pain.  Scary, injury pain. 

So what is a pain-hating, wanna be marathoner to do?  Have a Functional Movement Screening, that's what.  A chiropractic/massage/exercise therapist type person is going to run me through a few exercises and point out all my many form flaws.  Sounds like a super self-esteem builder.  Hopefully, after pinpointing all the areas of my anatomy that can use work, the exercises/stretches they give me will help loosen everything up so I can fucking squat without Grant getting in my face. 

Speaking of Grant, I ran into him at the grocery store on Monday night as I was buying snacks for work.  He walked right up and started poking around in my grocery bag before I realized who he was.  I looked up and said "What the fuck are you...oh, hi Grant."  He said "Just checking your shit out.  Looks good." and walked away.  I was buying unsweetened almond milk and grapes, which passed muster, I guess.  He's like a ninja, that dude.

Last night's workout was run heavy, which made me so flipping happy, you don't even know.  Everyone else in the group was bitching about it, and I just grinned and grinned.  Running beats the shit out of burpees, and last night was a beautiful night for a run.  I got mine, though, because after finishing the workout and catching and passing the rest of the class on the last run, my reward was burpees and situps until everyone was done.  So. not. winning.

This morning involved wall balls and rope climbing.  So basically, a big bag of squat fail and terror.  Rope climbing is like a nightmare for me.  I was an uncoordinated, completely unathletic teenager.  Ropes were a source of humiliation in every high school gym class I ever had.  But you know what?  I climbed the thing.  Only halfway up, but I did it.  It scared the poop out of me, but I'm hoping that will get better in time. 

CrossFit seems to be becoming a means by which to face my fears.  Box jumps?  Terrifying.  Rope climbs?  Scary shit, man.  Upcoming will be handstand pushups, which seriously makes me want to cry.  Still, it's becoming clear to me that I am fitter than I thought, and if I just stop listening to the fat girl in my head, maybe I can do this shit after all. 

Fit test tomorrow after my FMS, then the Paleo challenge begins.  Goal:  To drop my mile split by 1 minute over the next 30 days. 

Wish me luck.  And meat cookies.

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