Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Food is Life or "Whaddya Got, a Hollow Leg?"

Holy shit I'm hungry today. I packed a super huge lunch last night. That's 8oz of salmon, half a cup of rice and 1.5 cups of roasted broccoli in that box. I snarfed it down in record time and then mashed that Wellabar (which is the big one, the one I usually split in half) into my face immediately afterwards. I drank 4L of water during my shift (yeah peeing!) and after annihilating the veggies and hummus and cheese and yogurt and fruit and seeds I was still growly when 0600 rolled around.

I see your troooooooo coooloooooorrrrs.

The bacon in the cafeteria was fucking perfect this morning. So I filled a box with it. I ate a boxfull of bacon. So. Not. #nhapproved. 


The smalls went to daycare, the dog went to Fun Camp and I went to sleep. I even had a midnight snack if you count the red pepper and hummus I woke up and ate like I'd never eaten before and might never eat again.

Then I went back to sleep. I threw in a load of laundry first...I should get some credit for that, yeah?

I picked up the spawn and headed to CF with them for the kids class. I opted not to do 50 thrusters today. Anything overhead during my on week is questionable. I've dropped barbells on my head in the past. It ain't fun. Plus my thrusters are marginal when I'm rested, they could be potentially disastrous when my clock is flipped.

By the time we were on the way home I was rapidly approaching hangry. I made the kids some quesadillas and ate a huge bowl of last night's leftovers.

This is like 3-3.5 cups of steak and veg.

Under an hour later, while doing my laughably light 5x5? I had this "Oh shit, I'm hungry again" moment.

It's so cute with the widdle baby plates.

I finished up and hustled upstairs to make myself a coffee/protein shake.  


So remember yesterday when I mentioned the thigh bashing? Here's a photo immediately after that WOD and 24 hours later. These should be super pretty over the next few days. I'll get to have one of my favorite conversations over and over whenever I leave the house.

Random Stranger: So, uh, how'd you get those bruises...they look painful.
Me: They're from cleaning.
RS: Cleaning?
Me: Yeah. *blank stare*

Bonus points if fantastic husband is with me as he is a large, physically imposing individual. 

I CrossFit because it makes my legs so sexy. 

Now that the night has gotten away from me it's time to shower and make my lunch. And probably eat again because holy shit so hungry. Almost time for seven days off, bitches!!! 

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